17 de dezembro de 2015

bolo de mirtilos | blueberry cake

"Learning to bake didn’t seem to me to be about acquiring a skill, so much as realising I could be liberated from the constraints of who I thought I was, and what I thought I could do. And there is something transformational in baking: when you make a stew, you can tell from the raw ingredients what it will become; it always seems a miracle that mixing eggs, sugar, butter and flour becomes a cake." Nigella Lawson


300 gr de manteiga  | 300gr butter
300gr de açúcar | 300gr sugar
6 ovos | 6 eggs
400gr de farinha | 400gr flour
2 c. chá de fermento em pó | 2 tsp baking powder
250ml de natas ácidas | 250ml sour cream
250gr de mirtilos | 250gr blueberries

Bater a manteiga com o açúcar até ficar cremosa e esbranquiçada. Adicionar os ovos um a um. Acrescentar a farinha e fermento. Por fim, juntar as natas ácidas. Envolver os mirtilos.
Dividir a massa por 3 formas iguais, previamente untadas. Levar a forno pré-aquecido a 180º durante cerca de 40 minutos.
Beat butter with sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one by one. Add flour and baking powder. Finally, add the sour cream. Involve blueberries.

Divide the dough in 3 equal pans, previously greased. Take to pre-heated oven at 180ºC for about 40 minutes.

Creme de mascarpone e limão | Mascarpone and lemon frosting:
200gr de natas batidas | 200gr whipped cream
250gr de mascarpone | 250gr mascarpone
50gr de açúcar em pó | 50gr powder sugar
Raspa de 1 limão | zest of 1 lemon

Bater as natas com o mascarpone e açúcar.  Adicionar a raspa de limão.
Cobrir e rechear o bolo depois de completamente arrefecido.
Beat the cream with the mascarpone. Add the lemon zest. Fill and frost the cake once it's completely cooled. 

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